
Something Old

I walked into the pawn shop, brushing the water off my shoulders and cap. The front window read “CLOSING FOREVER SALE” in giant red letters. It was my best chance at getting her something special. Clutching the small envelope in my pocket, I scanned the glass display counter.  And then I saw it. It stood…

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When the moon stopped.

“Daddy, what would happen if the moon stopped?” It was the typical innocent question you would expect from a five year old. He asked these kinds of things all the time, but this one echoes through my mind even as their memory slowly fades. I can barely remember their faces, but the pain is there…

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I walked toward the nightclub. The Magnum bounced against my ribcage, announcing its presence every time I took a step. The rifle peeked out from under my coat, but in the dark it didn’t matter. I only needed it to be hidden a few seconds longer. My target was at the front of the line,…

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My new smart watch might kill me.

I can hear footsteps downstairs. Light as air and almost silent, betrayed only by the squeaks of aged floorboards. I’m hiding in the smallest, darkest space I could find, but there’s half an hour left in the day and not much house left to cover. I wish I never bought that fucking watch. Around Christmas,…

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Aliens have taken over the local news.

I recognize this sounds absolutely out of this world, but please listen. I think aliens have taken over my local news channel. They’re slowly dominating our town, and I’m worried they’re not going to stop until they’ve overrun the entire world.  I first noticed something was off about a year ago. The local news channel,…

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My wife analyzes all of her dreams.

A pregnant woman lays mangled in the grass, the contents of her purse strewn around her. Two cars, black and white, twisted in a burning embrace, form new jagged shapes. A man shambles down the road. His face is engulfed in flames and his skin is peeling back to reveal the sizzling flesh underneath. He…

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Grandpa thinks he can fight Death.

He coughs into a rag. Bright red. He refused treatment. Instead, he waits at the door for “that motherfucker” to show up. Last week, he asked me to sit with him from 9pm to 3am every night. Grandpa has never been all there but I chalked it up to the ramblings of a bygone era…

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Lucky Penny

He pried the dead man’s hand open one finger at a time, revealing the penny in his palm. The very last one, for there was no money left in his possession to steal. He heaves the bag onto his back and runs. Three blocks away, a truck is parked on a steep hill. Its parking…

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Peripheral Vision

I know it’s there. I feel its gaze and the shadow its presence casts over me. But every time I look at it, I see nothing. And yet, I can’t look away. Have you ever looked at someone’s eyes in a very dark room, trying to figure out if they were closed, and not been…

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Last week at work. Hey…it’s May.

I’ve said this before, but I reeeeeeeeeeally love my job at Skulk Sani-Services. Let me tell you what I got up to last week! On Monday, Matthew was a cut above the rest when his torso travelled on a meat hook two floors up. I took extra care to make sure only the best part…

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