
How to write with emotion.

One of the hardest things to do in a story is convey a character’s emotions without launching into long, boring descriptions. So how does one make it clear what a character is feeling and let the reader connect with them emotionally? “Show, don’t tell” It’s so frequently repeated, I feel like an idiot for writing…

Weekly Story Ideas/Prompts – 16 April 2021

Below are this week’s 5 story ideas and prompts. If you happen to write a story featuring any of these, please let me know so I can read and support! Police investigate a series of disappearances. Evidence points to a local artist. A popular song has dark consequences for those who hear it A new…

Weekly Story Ideas/Prompts – 7 April 2021

In a previous post, I mentioned I was going to have a weekly set of story ideas or prompts to help others (and train my own idea-generation muscle). This is the first of this series. Hope these help you! If you happen to write a story based on any of these, please let me know…

The idea (almost) doesn’t matter.

I’m starting to think of writing being like starting a business: the (initial) idea isn’t important, but the execution is. I’ve run a business before. I started, grew, and sold a consumer electronics company. I know what the value of an idea is – precisely $0. I also know the value of an idea brought…

Recap. Plus, a small step forward.

I started publishing my writing all the way back in January of this year. It’s been just about 2 whole months since. I posted my 13th (I think) story yesterday, and I’ve gotten (in my view) an incredible response. People telling me they FELT something, they identified with the character, and they were genuinely affected…

Putting yourself out there is terrifying.

Through this account (and others I’ve decided to make public), I’m putting my work out there for all to see. However clunky, badly-written, mistake-ridden, and full of holes it might be, it’s out there. And it’s terrifying. At the moment, I have something like 12 stories I’ve written and published in the last 3 months.…

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